Árni Gunnarsson

Hello and welcome to my portfolio. I'm a fullstack web developer working mainly with Ruby on Rails and Angular, with Postgres as a go-to database

I'm currently looking for remote jobs, either as a freelancer or full-time. For more info on availability and rates please contact me via email.

Currently learning

Angular - The Complete Guide (2020 Edition)

Been going through this course over the last few weeks.

I have a good grasp on the basics like, components, modules, services, dependency injection, and routing to name some of the most important parts of Angular.

Rxjs can be a bit of a mind-bender, but I'm currently reading through the documentation on it to try to understand it better

Link to course on Udemy
Angular Course on Fireship.io

Great course that teaches real-world usage with Angular Material and Firebase and authentication among other things

Link to course on Fireship.io
Advanced CSS and Sass

Really needed to get up to speed on HTML5 and CSS3 and this course did not disappoint, really recomended. I think it's really important for any frontend-programmer to have basic/intermediate knowledge of these things even though one doesn't work directly with designing.

Link to course on Udemy


Betraskor frontpage image

Meaning 'better score' in Icelandic. This is a statistics webpage for golfers, analyzing all kinds of statistics using charts and other graphics for display.

Written in Ruby on Rails, using Postgres. The code base is quite old and I'm using jQuery for the javascript part mostly.

Link to Betraskor.is

Link to Gitlab repo

Skafrenningur frontpage image

Meaning 'drifting snow' in Iceland, a quite common theme during the winter months.

Frontend written in Angular and the backend as an api in Rails, with Postgres as database.

Link to Skafrenningur.is

Link to Gitlab repo for the Angular part

Link to Gitlab repo for the Rails part


Reykjavík University

Bachelor of Science
Computer Science
2002 - 2005


Programming Languages & Tools

Have been using Rails since version 2.0. I have a comprehensive knowledge of Rails and have used all or almost all of its components at some time. I also know the most-often-used gems


Comfortable with using Components, Router, Services, CLI, Dependency Injecton, Modules, Rxjs (basics)

I've created projects with Angular Material and tried out Nebular also

What I'm working on improving at the moment is testing and I18n


Postgres is my go-to database. I have an intermediate knowledge of SQL, including triggers, functions, indexes, views and materialized views.

I know the basics of user managament and user privileges. I'm in no way a DBA though (database administrator)


Know the basic operations, fetch, push, pull, clone, checkout


I enjoy walking, hiking, golfing, going to the gym.

To relax I like to read, currently reading the Wheel of Time series and love it so far